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  • Writer's pictureTom Herman

What Makes YOU Your Customer's Best Choice?

What makes YOU your customer's best choice?

Of all the options available to them,

Why do they choose you?

You may 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 you know, but have you ever asked them?

Get some clarity with this simple exercise:

➡️ Have your team create a list of what they consider your company’s competitive advantage(s). These represent reasons why your customers choose your product or service over other alternatives.

➡️ Reach out to a group of your repeat customers and ask if they would be open to a brief conversation to help with a research question. Offer an incentive to boost participation if necessary.

➡️ Ask the following questions to reveal why they choose your product/service. Record the conversations (with permission) or have a dedicated note-taker.

𝗤: What is it about our product, service, or company that keeps you coming back?

𝗤: What do we do better than other products or companies you’ve tried?

𝗤: If you had 1 minute to convince a friend to switch to our product or service, what would you say?

𝗣𝗿𝗼 𝘁𝗶𝗽: Try to keep the tone and pace casual (think convo between friends vs. interrogation). Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions to encourage a deeper explanation. Try: That’s interesting, please tell me more, or You sound excited about that; why is that so important to you?

➡️ Review the customer responses and create a second list.

➡️ Compare your team’s list to the customer list. Circle reasons that show up on 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵 lists and those 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 on the customer list.

You now have a more accurate list of WHY your customers choose you over your competition.

Now, use what you've learned to sharpen your sales and marketing. 🎯


Is a lack of customer understanding holding your organization back? If so, reach out, we're here to help.

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